
Thursday Jan 11, 2024
Thursday Jan 11, 2024
We're back! After taking a festive break, Talking Trek is back among the stars and ready to discuss... er, I, Mudd. And to join us in this tale of robot sex women and comedy shenanigans we have Lenny Burnham returning to the podcast!
Is the return of Harry Mudd something worth celebrating? Does the comedy of the episode land? And how do the gender politics stand up sixty years after the original transmission?
Plus in Recommendations we have a movie, a sci-fi TV show and a thriller from Apple TV.
eMail: talkingtrektoyou@gmail.com
Twitter / X / Nutjobs Anonymous: @talktrektoyou
Bluesky: talkingtrektoyou
JG's Blog: Judgementally Reviews...
Think Good Thoughts: A Redemptive Review Of Star Trek: Voyager by JG McQuarrie Vol 1 and Vol 2
Produced by: JG McQuarrie

Friday Dec 15, 2023
Friday Dec 15, 2023
It's time for a Halloween special (just in time for Christmas) as Star Trek goes - allegedly - spooky with "Catspaw". And we have a welcome return to the podcast from Sarah Gulick, here to make sure that nothing gets too scary (the fluffy kitten does help with that as well, to be fair...).
How effective is this as a Halloween episode? Does the camp factor outweigh the fear factor? And what of Alfred Hitchcock's Star Trek? Plus in Recommendations we have a game and two TV shows.
eMail: talkingtrektoyou@gmail.com
Twitter / X / Death Knell: The Social Media Site: @talktrektoyou
Bluesky: talkingtrektoyou
JG's Blog: Judgementally Reviews...
Think Good Thoughts: A Redemptive Review Of Star Trek: Voyager by JG McQuarrie Vol 1 and Vol 2
Produced by: JG McQuarrie

Thursday Nov 30, 2023
Thursday Nov 30, 2023
Roaming alien sock from another galaxy threatening civilizaiton, you say? Why it must be time for "The Doomsday Machine"! A powerful entity needs a powerful extra podcaster, so Carl Garcia is back for a second stab at TTTY.
How does the titular Machine work as an advesary? Is Decker a credible threat to the situation? And does the episode deserve to be top-tier?
Plus in Recommendations we have a movie, a novel, and a remastered video game.
eMail: talkingtrektoyou@gmail.com
Twitter / X / Burn, Evil One, Burn: @talktrektoyou
Bluesky: talkingtrektoyou
JG's Blog: Judgementally Reviews...
Think Good Thoughts: A Redemptive Review Of Star Trek: Voyager by JG McQuarrie Vol 1 and Vol 2
Produced by: JG McQuarrie

Friday Nov 17, 2023
Friday Nov 17, 2023
The 1960s are left behind in favour of the 2020s this week as TOS is carefully placed to one side for coverage of Lower Decks Season 4. And to join us on our animated adventure we have Jonathan Callan!
Does Season 4 improve of Season 3s generally weaker reception? How does new regular character T'Lyn fit in with the crew? And can the season stick its landing?
Just one Recommendation this week because of the episode length but what can it be?
eMail: talkingtrektoyou@gmail.com
Twitter / X / Dumpster Fire Par Excellence: @talktrektoyou
Bluesky: talkingtrektoyou
JG's Blog: Judgementally Reviews...
Think Good Thoughts: A Redemptive Review Of Star Trek: Voyager by JG McQuarrie Vol 1 and Vol 2
Produced by: JG McQuarrie

Friday Nov 03, 2023
Friday Nov 03, 2023
It's time take a bite of The Apple on TTTY as we venture to a planet of exploding rocks, snake-caves (not a euphemism) and curiously-coloured natives. And to help us hack through the jungle (well, "jungle") it's a welcome return for Alice Ebenhoe!
How does The Apple hold up after all these years? Does this work as an analogy of Communism/Christanity and is the script nimble enough to navigate those waters? (hint: no) And is this really the most Star Trek that Star Trek can be? (hint: yes!)
Plus in recommendations we have two novels and a graphic novel.
Twitter / X / Dumpster Fire Par Excellence: @talktrektoyou
Bluesky: talkingtrektoyou
JG's Blog: Judgementally Reviews...
Think Good Thoughts: A Redemptive Review Of Star Trek: Voyager by JG McQuarrie Vol 1 and Vol 2
Produced by: JG McQuarrie

Talking Trek To You
JG and Kev have been podcasting together for years. But having previously discussed audio adventures, this time they're turning their attention to the visual medium and going through the classic, original Star Trek series. JG has been watching the show his whole life. Kev is coming to it completely fresh. Together - along with a wonderful assortment of guest stars - they'll explore the original series and everything it does! A noob and an expert - what could go wrong?